Labels:bag | book | cassette tape | poster OCR: and the Best Pathfinder of Plus Image SCREEN Browser with SAVER Captions MARS 150 PICTURES ON CD ROYALTY FREE Holiday Digital Pictures brings you this stunning collection of Pathfinder images direct from the surface of Mars! In addition to Pathfinder, you'll also get the best Mars images from all Mars Missions, including Mariner Viking and Hubble views. As a spe- cial bonus you get live motion video clips and twenty 3-D images to view with the enclosed 3-D glasses Each Pathfinder image is generated from JPL first-ger neration originals. Other Mars images within this program have been scanned with Kodak's Digital Science Photo CD technology and converted to handy file formats for ease of use on both PC and MAC computers The overall result is outstanding image quality!. Pathfinder images Bes ...